Report: 2021 AUS Musto Skiff National Championships

Event Report by Jon Newman (AUS 492)
Feature image: Photo credit: 2021 Ronstan Regatta | RR21 | © Beau Outteridge

Day 1 Saturday 23 Jan


The day commenced with a short postponement while the breeze built from the south west. There were a few good rides downwind waiting for the start as we were 6th to start out of the mixed fleet – alpha course. The race was about to get underway, however, it was abandoned with a big wind shift. By the time they relayed the course, the breeze had died. We started in five knots with most of the fleet heading left. A few were a bit too far left and overlayed the top mark, and with Jon and Robin out to the right-hand side running out of breeze. Matt rounded first followed by Paul and Tim.

With the breeze fading and becoming more patchy, it became a drifter with the tide working against us and most of the fleet headed back to the left to make the most of the dying breeze. Jon, however, found a zephyr from the right and got back to second at the bottom gate, which was now upwind. Matt H was now first by quite a way, with Jon, Paul and Marcus close behind. It was then off in the tide towards the shortened course to the finish. Matt H was now a long way ahead and Paul was second. Jon got stuck up tide of the finish line watching Marcus and Richie getting through for 3rd and 4th.

Top 3 at finish Matt, Paul and Marcus.

Half the fleet (Robin, Jon, Matt and Paul) stayed at the Batesy’s place – who is recovering from shoulder surgery – which included a BBQ dinner and some deliciously cold beers. Richie tagged along too…

Day 2 Sunday 24 Jan

There was no wind all day, as per the forecast, however, it was 35 degrees so a beautiful day for the beach, swimming, socialising and seeking shade. Marcus had some family sickness, so he was out of action for that day and the next. The rest of us went back home early and Tim, who had work commitments on the Monday, packed up.

Day 3 Monday 25 Jan

With little racing so far, the committee was forced to try and get some sailing in early Monday with a 10am start time. We went in a medium northerly, with big 1-2m waves, making launching off the beach difficult, but incident free. On our way to the start, the breeze died out again, leaving us bobbing around for an hour or so in the waves trying to get back to the beach. Ricky and Matt tried to hold in their breakfast from the sea sickness.

There was a short postponement for lunch, and we watched a beautiful see breeze fill in from the south. As the waves flattened off, we re-launched for the afternoon session.


There was 15-20 knots, flat water, and it was 30 degrees, sunny, and three laps.

Start 1 – the B14s and Musto’s were the only starters on our course that did not have a time on distance race, so the tide swept us all over. General recall.

Start 2 – Black flag, no messing around from the committee this time. The start was crowded with one B14 forcing Ricky to capsize, and another not letting Paul in and into the back of the start boat. It was, however, a good start from Matt H, Richie and Jon off the left of the course, rounding the top mark with Matt ahead, followed by Jon and Richie. These were the same positions at the gate and again at the top. The gusts started to become a bit more patchy, with some holes in the breeze for the second downwind. Jon found one of those and capsized. Letting Richie past, the lull stayed around for Jon to right the boat with the kite still up, and he continue before the next gust. Matt held on for his second win.

Top 3 at finish Matt, Richie and Jon.


This race presented a solid 15-20 knots, and we all got off the start much better. The only complication was an F18 tacking in the middle of us 15 seconds after the start. Jon and Ricky had to drastically avoid the F18, which after a second or two was moving again and gone, leaving nothing but bad air and frustration. At the top mark, Matt was leading again, with Paul, Richie and Jon just behind. By the bottom mark, the fleet was in the same positions, just all closer, with four around two wide only meters apart. Upwind, there were a few shifts with the top mark seeing Matt still leading ahead of Jon, Richie and Paul. At the bottom gates, Jon and Matt were neck and neck going around opposite gates as Paul became tangled with an F18 capsizing between the gate mark. Upwind, Jon and Matt exchanged multiple tacks trying to remain in phase, with the last shift going in Jon’s favour, so he took the lead around the top mark, followed by Matt and then Richie.

Top 3 at finish Jon, Matt and Richie.


The breeze was a solid 18-20 knots, as there was another general recall. The U Flag was on the restart. Richie was fast off the boat end with a big shift to the right allowing Richie, Matt and Paul to lay the top mark without tacking. Richie held off the lightweights on the downwind, but the gap was close; again, four boats around the marks very close together. Jon commented that he was the only boat to have tacked so far.

Upwind, saw Richie extend his narrow lead, and Jon came through to second with Paul third. This remained for the next lap until the final gate where the breeze was right up, causing layline issues for Richie and Jon. Richie’s drop wasn’t clean, and that was all Jon needed to sneak past for the win.

Top 3 at finished Jon, Richie, Paul; however, Paul received a UFD bringing Matt onto the podium.

Taipan v Musto (Photo credit: AUS MS Class)

The last downwind wasn’t without drama with Ricky trying to play it safe. Without kite up, he had a slight touch with a Taipan, resulting in the Taipan having a hull snapped in half, rig down and sinking. The damage to the Musto was a small dent in the wing. Once back onshore Ricky and the Taipan sailor apologised to each other and the Taipan sailor took responsibility for the accident.

Day 4 Tuesday 26 Jan

Another early start, but this time there was a big breeze of 18-22 knots from the south; flat water, but only 25 degrees.


It was a great start from Ricky, leading to the top mark followed by Jon and Paul. Ricky held on for another lap until a swim at the top mark for the final time, letting Jon and Matt through; Paul chasing hard in third.

Top 3 at Finish Jon, Matt and Paul.

Jon and Matt (Photo credit: 2021 Ronstan Regatta | RR21 | © Beau Outteridge)


We welcomed Marcus back into the lineup, who was fresh out of bed, and not tired from any previous races. Marcus led to the top mark, followed by Jon, and Richie with the pack behind well contested. Marcus led towards the gate, but capsized between the marks, allowing Jon, Richie and Paul to take the leading positions. With the wind up, there wasn’t too much attacking each other via shifts and the positions stayed the same through to the finish.

Top 3 at finish Jon, Richie and Paul.


Marcus tried to make up for his mistake in the previous race, starting well out of the boat end, as Richie was forced to tack out the right-hand side of the course. At the first top mark, Marcus was ahead of Jon, with Richie charging in slightly overlaid from the right. Jon and Marcus exchanged gybes and tacks for the rest of the race, with Marcus reminding us that when he gets it right, he really gets it right – in the end leading start to finish.

Top 3 at finish Marcus, Jon and Richie

Once ashore we had a semi-traditional Australian day lunch with meat pies and lamingtons, packing up, and awaiting the Ronstan Australia Day Regatta prize giving.

Podium finishers - Marcus (2nd), Jon (1st), and Richie (3rd) (Photo credit: AUS MS Class)

Thank you to all at McCrae Yacht Club and Ronstan for organising the event, after our nationals had to be rescheduled for the second year running.

Overall 2021 Ronstan Regatta results for all classes are available on the McCrae Yacht Club here.

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