Since 2003, the Musto Skiff Class Association has been running an Annual Survey to gather insights, feedback and views from both class members and the wider sailing community. 

You can view the latest survey results on this page. For a copy of previous MSCA Annual Survey reports, please submit your request using this survey request form.




Thank you to all of those who took the time to complete the 2024 Class Survey.

Each year, the survey acts as an international AGM for class members, and for this survey class members were invited to vote on a proposed change to Class Rules to remove the use of speedpucks in organised events, as well as electing new committee members who are standing for the 2025 season.

This was the 21st annual survey for the international class and included 112 responses, representing 13 countries. Musto Skiff sailors represented 90% of the survey participants. The remaining 10% represented sailors from other classes.

The most represented country in the 2024 Class Survey was the UK (54%), followed by Germany (15%), and then Australia and Switzerland (each at 9%). Rounding out the top five was the Netherlands (4%), and then South Africa (3%).

For more insights and voting results from the 2024 Class Survey, click on the report link below.




Thank you to all of those who took the time to complete the 2023 survey.

This was the 20th annual survey for the international class and included 128 responses, representing 11 countries. Musto Skiff sailors represented 81% of the survey participants. The remaining 19% represented sailors from other classes.

The most represented country for Musto Skiff sailors in the survey was the UK (65%), followed by Germany (10%), and then Australia (7%).

The purpose of the Class Survey is to gather feedback on the boat experience, training, organised events, and class marketing. MSCA class members are also invited to take part in an annual online International AGM, which provides an opportunity to vote for International Committee Members and Country Representatives, as well as vote on important class matters and proposals to grow and develop the class.

This year, current class members were invited to vote on a proposal to enable the small mainsail to race alongside the standard mainsail on a 2-year trial, as outlined in this survey question preview.

For more insights and voting results from the 2023 Class Survey, click on the report link below.



Thank you to all of those who took the time to complete the 2022 Annual Survey.

This was the 19th annual survey for the international class and included 127 responses, representing 19 countries. Musto Skiff sailors represented 83% of the survey participants. The remaining 17% represented sailors from other classes.

The most represented country for Musto Skiff sailors in the survey was the UK (55%), followed by Germany (15%), and then Switzerland (10%), Australia (5%) and the Netherlands (4%).

With Covid restrictions now lifted or significantly eased in most countries, attendance was up for both training and organised events. Based on the survey,  28% of Musto Skiff sailors attended organised training during 2022, and 52% of Musto Skiff Class members attended a National Championships. Overall, the feedback for the 2022 season activities was highly positive. 

The 2022 survey also included a section for the 2022 International AGM, which included a class member vote on the preferred voting timeline to decide if the class should adopt a new mainsail design, or not.

For more insights and voting results from the 2022 survey, click on the report link below.



Thank you to all of those who took the time to complete the 2021 survey.

This was the 18th annual survey for the international class, and included 124 responses, representing 14 countries.

Overall, the feedback for the 2021 season activities was highly positive. Most countries restarted training and open meetings in 2021 after more than a year of disrupted schedules due to the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. The UK Class also managed to host a well-attended Nationals event in 2021 at Sunderland Yacht Club.

The most represented country for Musto Skiff sailors was the UK (57%), followed by Switzerland (8%), and then Australia (6%) and Germany (6%) jointly as 3rd most represented.

78% of the survey participants owned a Musto Skiff at the time of the survey, and 79% of this total were also class members. (In 2020, 89% of participants owned a Musto Skiff and 73% were class members.).

‘All other sailors’ represented 22% of all survey participants. This is a higher representation than in 2020, which included just 11% of ‘all other sailors’ participating.

The 2021 survey also included a class member vote on updating the existing Class Rules with new trapeze harness rule RRS50.1(c), and a rule on carrying a knife for safety. The class voted against including both of these updates in the new Class Rules.

For more insights and the 2021 survey results, click on the report link below.



Thank you to all of those who took the time to complete the 2020 survey.

This was the 17th annual survey issued by the Musto Skiff Class Association (MSCA), and included responses from 16 countries. A total of 89% of all survey participants were Musto Skiff sailors, and the remaining participants represented the wider sailing community.

There was also a good representation of class members in the 2020 survey, with 73% holding membership.

The 2020 survey also included an update on class discussions regarding proposals to explore the potential for a new mainsail design for the Musto Skiff.  Class members were invited to vote on whether they wanted to revisit this project for further development or defer it once again. The majority voted to explore this project further.

The MSCA has also been exploring the idea of introducing an additional smaller mainsail with the aim of enabling more youth, women and lighter sailors to join the class. Through the 2020 survey, Musto Skiff sailors and the wider sailing community were invited to submit feedback on this idea. The majority supported exploring this project further.

For more insights and the 2020 survey results, click on the report links below.



Thank you to all of those who took the time to complete the 2019 survey.

This was the 16th annual survey issued by the MUSTO Skiff Class Association (MSCA), and it continues to be a valuable resource to guide future decisions and considerations around class events, marketing, committee activities, and the boat experience.

For this survey, 19 countries participated, with the UK having the greatest representation at 59% of all respondents. The remaining top 5 most represented countries included Switzerland (8%), Australia (7%), Germany (6%), and the South Africa (5%). The majority of respondents were MUSTO Skiff sailors (88%) and 12% of respondents represented the wider sailing community.

There were no changes to Class Rules. This year’s survey included a focus on gathering feedback for a new website project (scheduled for 2020) and a full review of marketing activities and events for 2020/21 planning.

For more insights and the 2019 survey results, click on the report links below.



Thank you to all of those who took the time to complete the 2017 survey.

2017 was the 15th consecutive year that we conducted the survey. (No survey was issued in 2018 due to committee changes that year).

For the 2017 survey, we had responses from 18 countries. The majority of respondents were MUSTO Skiff sailors, with 13% of all responses representing the wider sailing community.

This survey included the communication of some changes to Class Rules. It also included member votes on various topics. This include the following results:

  • The class voting against the adoption of dyform lowers
  • The class pproving the Bluewave adjuster to become the standard part on a new boat
  • The class voting 54% in favour of changing the class rules to prevent the adjustment of standing rigging whilst afloat (but our class constitution requires a 2/3rds majority so the rule remains unchanged)
  • The class voting in favour of changing the standard fitting to the bow sprit end
  • The class approving the continued development of a prototype mainsail by Ovington Boats, who also have a mandate from a previous survey to evaluate an alternative mast. The adoption of any of these prototypes will be subject to a future member vote (due to be revisited in February 2021)

For more insights and the 2017 survey results, click on the report links below.


2003 TO 2016

If you would like to view any of our previous survey reports, please complete your request using the form below. Reports are available for every year from 2003 – 2019, with the exception of 2018 (as no survey conducted in this year).

MSCA Annual Class Survey Archive Reports Request Form
Please ensure you enter the correct email address as reports will be sent to you by email (in a PDF format).
Using the dropdown menu, please choose the year of the MSCA Annual Class Survey report that you would like to request a copy of.