The MUSTO Skiff Class Association (MSCA) is run by the members for the members
A strong class association means a good ownership experience, so we hope that all MUSTO Skiff boat owners will support the MUSTO Skiff Class Association (MSCA) – even if you don’t plan to attend any events … but of course we hope that you will …
Please support your class by joining the MUSTO Skiff class association today.
To have a say in the running of the class you need to be a member. Each year, we aim to run a class survey that replaces a traditional AGM with the option for online voting and feedback. In addition, we will still hold skipper’s meetings at major events and some countries also hold local AGM’s.
In return for your annual class fees, the class association collectively will aim to deliver on the MSCA Class Objectives set out by the International Class Association committee, and to afford you the benefits of class membership, which currently includes the following:
- Dedicated committees to run, plan and support events for you – both local and international.
- Entry to Musto Skiff event (for which class membership is a requirement)
- The provision of sponsor led prizes and, where relevant, trophies, for major events.
- Access to organised class training events and coaching support (additional training may also be organised locally)
- Dedicated committee member to provide year round management of a class website and social media channels to support the class community – including an international Facebook page, Facebook group, Twitter page, and forum.
- Option to advertise your boat for sale on the ‘Buy / Sell Used Boats’ page.
- The opportunity to have a say in how the class develops and take part in the class AGM.
- All members are eligible for 20% member’s discount with our long-time class sponsor, Musto (T&Cs apply. See your membership pack for details)
- GBR class members are eligible for 10% discount with Noble Marine Insurance (see here for more information)
Find out more about the MSCA Class Objectives and the role of the International Committee and National Committees here.
Want to join us? See below for how to pay for the annual membership fees.
The major regions collect the fees locally and in the smaller regions the membership is administered by the international association. Please select the relevant Class Association for your region/country to join the class association.

The AUS Class Association collect their fees locally. If you are based in Australia and wish to join the association please contact the AUS team.

As of December 2023, the GBR Class Association will collect member fees via WebCollect. To find out more about how to join the GBR Class Association and pay annual membership fees, see here.

The SUI Class Association Collect their fees locally. If you are based in Switzerland and wish to join the association please contact the SUI team.

At present the only regions that collect locally are AUS, ESP, GBR, GER & SUI. All other countries can join the Class Association by paying annual membership fees to the International Class Association. Find out more here.
Find out more about MSCA Class Membership terms here.