On this page, you can access our Class Rules, including an overview of official class rule interpretations. You can also view and download important documents for Musto Skiff boat owners, including our Class Constitution and the CE Owners Manual by Ovington Boats Ltd.
If you are unsure about anything relating to the Class Rules or any technical aspects of the Musto Skiff, please get in touch with our international technical sub-committee.

To support the ACO 13th Musto Skiff World Championship 2024, some necessary updates were made to the current class rules relating to the new mainsail design and the smaller X mainsail.
The following updates have been made to the current class rules (version 11 November 2022):
- Point A.2.2 – There are small changes to the definitions of Maintenance and Repair to bring them into line with the new ERS
- Point C.4.3 – A new diagram showing the new style sail is added at C.4.3
- Point C.10.3 (b) – This has been amended to adjust for the new style sail as well as smaller numbers for the X sail.
We are currently waiting for World Sailing to consider the updated version and add this to their website (where the class rules document and amendments are hosted), but this is not likely to be completed until after the Paris 2024 Olympics. In the interim, the latest version including these new updates can be accessed via the temporary document link below. This version of the class rules will apply to the ACO 13th Musto Skiff World Championship 2024.
This updates was added to the class website on 09 July 2024.
The latest Class Rules for the Musto Skiff class (approved version: 11 November 2022), including all amendments (effective: 11 November 2022), can be found and downloaded from the World Sailing website:
You can view the Musto Skiff class page on the World Sailing website here.
See our Q&A section at the bottom of this page for the most common questions asked on the Class Rules. If you have any other questions, you can post them on our International Facebook Group page (requires member request to join).

International Class Constitution v10.0
See the note below on how this International Class Constitution is applied.

Local German Class Constitution
See the note below on how Local Class Constitutions are applied.

Local Swiss Class Constitution
See the note below on how Local Class Constitutions are applied.

CE Owners Manual
This manual is provided from Ovington Boats Ltd. This document file contains many pages and may take a few minutes to download.
NOTE: The International Constitution will apply world wide unless a local class association has a local constitution. A local class association may require their own constitution to comply with local laws and national body regulations. If any conflicts exist between the international and local constitutions then the international constitution will prevail.
Q.1 What can I do to my skiff?
The current World Sailing closed rules we use are the same rules that are used for most classes, whether World Sailing or National fleets. Because of the close way in which the sailors and association have worked in the past, there are quite a lot of things you can legally do to your skiff to give it that personal touch. However, please remember; if these rules do not say that you can – then you cannot.
Q.2 Can I have some examples of what I can and cannot do?
You can use as much elastic and rope as you like of any diameter. See rule C.9.8.(5) and (6)
You can replace the grey wing non-slip with “Pro-grip” . See rule C.7.2.(7)
However, you cannot fill the holes and screws of the rudder gantry under the hull. The rules do not say you can, so you cannot.
Q.3 Where do my sail numbers go?
When you get a new skiff from Ovington Boats, they supply diagram G.1 with the numbers, which provides guidance on this. If you do not have a copy of this, please see the rule Appendix attachment. There were a few boats at a previous World Championships that had incorrectly positioned sail characters, it is important that these are correct.
Q.4 As I cannot fill the holes for the rudder gantry, does that mean I cannot repair my rudder, centerboard or damage to my hull?
No, you can carry out repairs as indicated in rules C.7.1.(a) and C.8.1.(a)
Q.5 Can I replace the grey or white carpet supplied to line the centerboard and rudder cases?
No, you MUST use only what is supplied by Ovington Boats that is the current white fluffy 3M tape.
Q.6 Can I paint my mast?
Yes, you can paint the mast with varnish or paint to protect the carbon fibre. The class allows paint for boats that may be kept in hot climates where the black varnished surface deteriorates more quickly.
Q.7 Can I put advertising and/or sponsors logo’s on my skiff?
Yes, anywhere except the front 25% of the hull, on either or both of the two bottom panels of the mainsail and the spinnaker to rule G.4.1.(b)
Answers provided by Chris Henderson (World Sailing International measurer)