Product Update:
Mainsail development update (February 2019)

As a follow-up to the update given in November, we would like to clarify the position on the potential equipment developments.
We are aware that the consideration over the last couple of years of a possible (i) change of mast, and (ii) a potential new mainsail design, has been unsettling for the class. It has not helped the growth of the class and commitment of existing members.
You are aware from the news release last year that Selden will continue to supply the mast.
We have taken onboard class feedback and have therefore decided that no new mainsail design will be adopted for at least 2 years.
We hope that this provides everyone with confidence that their existing equipment and new boats and sails will not be outmoded anytime soon. The members are always in control of the class and its equipment. The committee will only take decisions after communication with, and guidance from, the members.
We wish everyone continued fair winds and good sailing throughout the rest of 2019.