Product Update:
Recommended bushing of an existing rudder stock (Ovington Boats)

Due to the long term wear found on the aluminium rudder stocks, the class now has all rudder stocks supplied with removable plastic bushes.
Owners wanting to bush their rudder existing stock can also purchase this product via Ovington Boats.
If you want to bush your stock, then you will need to take the stock off the boat, and securely lock it in a suitable vice. As the aluminium is quite soft, please ensure you pad the sides of the vice jaws to stop them damaging the surface. Please also ensure you fix the stock in the vice along the front vertical edge of the stock, and NOT in the middle, as this may cause the sides to squash in if excessive tension is applied to the vice!
You’ll then need a suitable drill with 11.5mm drill bit, and a friend to help you check that you are drilling vertically! Turn the stock over, and carry out the same operation on the other end.
Insert the bush, using a small drop of super glue; the top bush needs to go in so the bushes larger collar is on the underside of the casting, and the bottom bush needs to go in so the larger flange is on the top of the casting. This should then end up with both the collar flanges facing each other!
Read this forum thread first to learn from others: