Australian Class Planning Ahead for Nationals

Article by Amy & Paul Newman | Australian MUSTO Skiff Class Association

We hope this update from Australia finds fellow Musto skiffers and their families safe and well.

From a sailing perspective, COVID-19 has not impacted our sailors too greatly given it is now mid-winter.

Prior to that, in late March, our sailing clubs closed their doors early for the final weeks of the season in accordance with government advice but by June we saw restrictions ease and sailing was again permitted. 
A couple of sailors have braved the chilly conditions, and are back on the water recreationally, however, no competitive sailing is taking place until further restrictions ease.

A big advantage the Musto skiff has over other classes is being a one-man boat, social distancing on the water is the ‘norm’ so we are hoping that it may benefit the class going forward as we come into summer. As such, we are hopeful the season will commence as planned come October/November, depending on outbreaks between now and then, and certain state rules. Currently, some states in Australia, such as Victoria where most of the fleet reside, have stricter restrictions in place than others

That said, the National Championships have been scheduled from 27th December – 3rd January, at Black Rock Yacht Club in Melbourne, and we are looking forward to an exciting week of racing following what has been a challenging year for our sailors and so many people throughout the world.

Feature photo: Natalie Hilton, 2018

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