IMSCA Committee Meeting Minutes - 2015, Garda

Minutes of the IMSCA Committee Meeting
Fraglia vela Riva
Iver Ahlmann – Int. chairman
Duncan Heppelwhite – representing Ovington Boats
Paul Manning – Int. secretary
Paul Molesworth – Int. treasurer
Rick Perkins – Int. communications and PR
Jon Newman – representing AUS
Chris Peile – representing AUS (treasurer)
Martin Mayrhofer – AUT rep.
Justo Martinez – ESP rep.
Ben Schooling – GBR rep.
Mitja Margon – SLO rep. proxy vote
Others present
Frithjof Schwerdt was invited to represent Germany as an observer
- The annual class association e-newsletter membership reminder text will be amended to state “where applicable” membership is due 1st January to reflect the position that some nations annual payment deadline is not 1st January. The additional text is hoped to remove any confusion.
- Unsuccessful venues will only role over once before being removed from future venue bidding. Nations where a repeat venue falls within their nation will have 6 months to decide whether this venue will be their preferred bid or another. The class cannot have a situation where a venue is asked to roll over and is then informed some months later that this is no longer the case.
- The association courteously ask that posts being placed on regional Facebook sites are forwarded onto the international site for inclusion. These posts do not have to be translated and allows for a much bigger exposure for the class and tells a story of what is going on worldwide.
- The membership is currently 219, this continues an upward trend in membership with the largest growth in Spain. There are boats sailing in 26 nations worldwide in 5 ISAF regions.
- Please see attached for a set of accounts to date for the year.
- It was decided to close the IMSCA Euro account as the treasurer explained that it was not easy to use and was no relevant as it was easier and more efficient to operate through a single account.
- Duncan explained updated the class on the proposed mast development discussed in Perth. No manufacturer can re-produce the mast bend characteristics and it has been suggested to the class that we would therefore need to carry out re-design work on the mainsail to match.
There was a general discussion that the mast is in fact OK as a product but that the luff track was badly letting us down.
Paul Manning offered and it was agreed that as long as Chris Turner was happy, Paul would fix a meeting with Steve Norbury and Dave Hayes (Selden) to express the classes frustration with what was thought to be a problem that had been resolved.
Post that meeting the class and builder can decide how to proceed on a mast / sail programme. It maybe that we are only looking to develop the mainsail… - See (7) above.
- Jon Newman explained the Australian position with respect to boat availability and the committee agreed that it was essential to ensure the Australian fleet can race where possible.
Jon, Chris Peile and Duncan will discuss separate to the committee and report back. - The suggested wording now reads:
C.9.8 (a) (4) There is no restriction on elastic, rope, rings and blocks, to tidy the sheets, halyards and control lines. - Paul Manning gave the committee an update on Carnac 7th World Championships, which is progressing well.
- Justo gave the committee an update on Palma 8th World Championships, which is progressing well.
- Jon and Chris discussed with the committee proposals for venues and timing for the next Australian Worlds and will report back to update the events schedule. An edit has been made to the events schedule to better balance the time between Palma, Australia and the event after Australia. The next Australian worlds will be January 2018.
- A. Ben Schooling asked whether the class can re-visit looking at the smaller mainsail option. Jon and Chris updated the committee on the findings of the small mainsail in Australia, which suggested that it may require a smaller spinnaker too. Ben was keen to attract smaller sailors and ladies and felt this might still be a good option. Having looked at the previous statistics from the survey when this was offered, it was decided to add the same / similar question to this year’s class survey.
- B. Jon Newman suggested the class consider having weight groups within the fleet (possibly -75kg, mid group, + 90kg
- C. The committee received a proposal from Max Döhler (GER chairman) requesting the class consider re-structuring the IMSCA voting as follows:
Provide proportional representation to national fleets for voting – after deliberation the committee felt that this was not appropriate as it could lead to larger national fleets voting tactically to produce undesirable results which could alienate smaller fleets. This would likely have the effect of these fleets collapsing and the fleet contracting internationally. This would put the class under pressure from ISAF to attain the necessary criteria to maintain its ISAF status.
Limit voting rights to national members – after deliberation this was rejected. The main reason why the executive members (who are voted in annually via the survey) have a vote is to provide overview. and a worldwide view on the sport and the class, as well as communicating with international bodies such as ISAF etc. However unlikely, they may be required to vote, even against their nation, to maintain a balanced worldwide class. - D. Remove the option of 33% if greater than GBP15. This was agreed but classes must ensure they have complied to date.
Meeting closed with thanks to Fraglia vela Riva for their hospitality.
Note: Class accounts are available on request via your country representative. (we felt it was not correct to publish our accounts in public.)