Exploring the Idea for a New Smaller Sail – Project XS

This year’s MSCA Annual Class Survey includes an update on a project proposal to explore a new smaller sail for the Musto Skiff. Read on for an overview of this project – and don’t forget to take part in the survey to have your say on this! The survey closes at 9pm (GMT) on Monday 21st December 2020. (Now extended to 9pm (GMT), 30th December 2020)

About Project XS

The Musto Skiff is a fantastic boat offering great sailing. Over recent years, there has been a lot of interest from lighter sailors and/or less confident sailors, who sometimes find the current rig too powerful, but are very interested to sail the Musto Skiff.

In light of this interest some initial development was done to create a smaller mainsail and spinnaker kite with the support of our class builder, Ovington. This would be suitable for use on the existing mast, boom and pole, with everything else in the boat remaining unchanged.

This smaller set of sails offers an opportunity to support a wider range of sailing abilities. This, in turn, has the potential to broaden our member base and open up the class to more youth, female, and lighter weighted sailors.

NOTE: This project (called Project XS) is completely separate from the discussions on potential development of a new mainsail design, which is included within the member only section of this survey.

Trials of the Smaller Rig

To explore the idea and suitability of introducing this additional rig set (smaller sails) to the class, prototype sails were made and a number of people were invited to trial these sails. See the photo of the smaller prototype sail below (shown over our current full sized mainsail):

The feedback from the trials proved very useful. The trials indicated that the smaller rig works well, would suit the desired lighter weight range and that the sailing experience was still ‘fast and fun’ with a smaller rig. Based on this, there is potential to generate significant additional interest in the class.

What next?

It is proposed that further development work is done to progress the idea of creating an optional rig with the aim of encouraging a broader range of sailors to join the class. Having two rig sizes would obviously require some clear rules in the Sailing Instructions. For example, people will not be allowed to swap sails during a regatta and must choose before registration between the full rig and smaller rig.

Longer term, if a smaller rig development is successful, the class membership will be asked to vote on how this is adopted along with the standard rig. Considerations may include:

  1. Use it as an introductory rig only; not permitted for racing;
  2. Establish an integrated fleet; where sailors can choose to race with either, but must choose one for an entire event (or season); or
  3. Establish a separate fleet (pending building sufficient numbers to justify doing so), therefore we could have two fleets for the MUSTO Skiff class. Those of you who are familiar with the RS aero (with its 5, 7 and 9 rigs), and the ILCA (4.7, radial and standard) will know how successful this has been.

As part of the 2020 survey, we would like to get feedback on the smaller rig idea. Firstly, whether or not you agree that a smaller set of sails will help to increase the interest / membership in the class; and secondly, whether you support a smaller rig for the Musto Skiff class. 

You can view and respond to these questions in the 2020 MSCA Annual Class Survey. It’s free to participate, and whether you own a Musto Skiff or you are simply interested in the class, we encourage you to share your views and tell us how you want the class to develop in 2021 and beyond.

To view the survey and submit your feedback, just click on the link here.

This survey will close at 9pm (GMT) on Monday 21st December 2020. 

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